Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Gift Of Gab

A close relative of mine once told me I was lucky because I had the "gift of gab". Never really gave it much thought actually before that but I was well aware I could talk my way into and out of many situations. This so called ability has helped many times in expressing myself in certain circumstances. Dealing with the opposite sex came easy at times but at the same time it also became more difficult then it should be.

I've never been a really good liar, nor do I wish to tell something that isn't true out of self respect. So being overly honest, it sort of placed me in a position to harm when I didn't intend to. Words can cut deep, leaving deep scares which never really seem to heal. I've felt it and noticed myself dishing it out many times, so I ended up confused. Why do we open up our mouths and talk without really thinking about what we are saying till it's over? I've let my mouth write too many checks in the past my ass just couldn't cash.

So with age we gain some sort of wisdom I'm told. In my case it's learning when to shut up, I'm working on that. Then I face people thinking I'm upset because I'm not talking, when it's really the opposite. So I came to the conclusion that this so called "Gift of Gab" should be renamed "The Curse Of Gab".


At 3:58 AM, Blogger Beverly said...

I remember being told that I needed to learn when to talk and when to shut up. Heck I knew what that meant... talk when I had something to say they agreed with and shut up when I had my own ideas about things.

I love your gift of gab and am glad I can drop in here to read more now.


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