Thursday, December 28, 2006

Now What Did I Do To Create This?

When you buy a CD or a DVD and take it home it's your property. I have the sales receipt to prove it, as a matter of fact I often have to show it to a clerk at the door when the alarm goes off because the magnetic theft device inside hasn't been deactivated. But the fun starts when you try to open it later. First it's wrapped in a standard plastic wrap that you have to cut into without scaring the case, then as many as three strips of plastic adhesive film seal each edge. Sure they are labeled with the product name in a nice and neat but pain in the rear sort of way. These things always give me trouble when removing them. They tear off in small bits after you have to scratch them with your fingernails just to get a edge up to start the process and that alone gets me ticked. After you get them off you are lucky if the adhesive still isn't on the plastic case or you have not broken or left marks on the case all together. To make it more fun, try having to do this about five times in a row as I often do with music or DVDs.

What this comes down to is a fact that the public has been punished as a whole for the crimes committed by a percentage of the population. Everyone is considered a potential thief. Measures are taken by the manufacturers to prevent crime the best way they know how and the sad part is we have to pay for this two fold, first the cost of the item has this included and then we have to fight to get into what we purchased to start with.

But this type thing is everywhere, child proof cigarette lighters, child proof caps on medication bottles, seals on everything including a simple bottle of disinfectant cleaner! When our generation was growing up we were on our own for the most part. Nobody warned us in three languages that something was harmful. Did people all of the sudden get stupid or something? And I've never heard of a baby drowning in a two gallon pail, what's the deal with that? It's a conspiracy I say and I don't like where it's leading. I know coffee is hot, I know not to eat the little packet of candy included in most electronic items and I know it isn't right to hang kittens from the excess of string included on all mini blinds. Stop protecting me from myself.......


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